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Published on September 13, 2023 by Mengkheang Thor

🌐 6 Popular API Architecture Styles πŸ—οΈ

APIs are the backbone of modern software development. Here are six popular API architecture styles demystified:

1. gRPC

gRPC: πŸš€ High-performance RPC framework for smooth communication in distributed systems. Ideal for microservices.


SOAP: 🧼 Protocol for structured info exchange in web services. Known for strict standards and XML format.

3. GraphQL

GraphQL: πŸ“œ Query language for APIs, allowing clients to request only needed data. Bye-bye over-fetching and under-fetching!

4. Webhook

Webhook: 🎣 Real-time communication mechanism. Apps send HTTP POST requests to trigger actions in other systems.


REST: 🌐 Architectural style for networked apps. Uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to manipulate resources.

6. WebSocket

WebSocket: 🌐 Protocol enabling bidirectional, real-time client-server communication. Perfect for low-latency apps like chat and gaming.

Architecture Styles

πŸ€” Which one’s your go-to right now?

Explore these API styles to level up your software game! πŸš€

Written by Mengkheang Thor

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